What is Me2everyone? It seems like people are very curious about a new opportunity called Me2everyone so I decided to provide my visitors with an honest me2everyone review.
If you haven’t heard about this company and the vision behind it, you’re in for a real treat. Everyone has heard of online worlds like WOW and Second Life but this one seems like it has more potential then both of them combined. This is an oppotunity that focuses on harnessing referrals similar to project payday but easier too!
Have you ever wanted to become a stockholder of a fortune 500 company but then took a look at your bank account and decided to wake up from your daydream? Yah, me too… The only time I ever invested in stocks, I didn’t do too well, actually I ended up loosing almost a thousand dollars (private jets and September 11th didn’t really go together too well…)
The concept:
Me2Everyone is currently under development so there is still time to get in on the ground floor. Eventually it will be a virtual world doubling as a social network. There are going to be real businesses and people operating in this environment and it is going to have all the amenities of a website we would come to expect in the Web 2.0 world.
The greatest thing about this concept in my opinion is the fact that it is structured similar to a co-op where everyone involved retains joint ownership of the virtual world. Me2Everyone is free to join and if you decide to participate you will be awarded shares.
I just joined recently and received 100 shares equivalent a fraction of a dollar but nonetheless I am a shareholder! Everyone you refer to the world will obtain there own shares and you will get a referral bonus.
Here’s the kicker… Eventually this company will be traded on major indexes and your shares are real, they are actually stock in the company so you my friend may be filthy rich if you get on board now.
Another benefit of the Me2Everyone world is that it will have locations in which you can trade out your shares for real money, pounds, and dollars etc…
When the site is officially launched the virtual world will support almost 10 different languages so it will become a great way to network with people in different countries speaking different languages.
The company’s business model expects shares to be worth a total of GP £0.021/each in 2009 and by 2012 they are expected to be worth a staggering GP £0.58 each
All the while you will be accumulating a small fortune of these shares by referring your friends, family and subscribers.
Here, take a look at the company’s tagline:
“We Are Building A Village That Becomes A Metropolis All Owned By You”
It really is a digital metropolis in the making. Talk about passive income, if you were looking for it, it’s staring you right back in the face.
Finally Me2Everyone is offering a 10,000,000 share bonus to the person that signs up the most referrals. If you are curious to know how much that is, the combined value of the shares are worth GBP £10,000 in present terms.
This could very well be the next ebay, amazon or Google. If you’re like me, you hate missing out on opportunities that don’t cost you a penny. I’ve got a million affiliate programs and advertising partners, what does it hurt to add one more? I don’t know about you but I’m going to learn how to make money with Me2Everyone.
Check them out here: Me2Everyone